Month: April 2015
Dun Skipper Feeding
Captured this little Dun Skipper feeding. These little guys are all over the garden late summer. I find them hard to get a good shot of as they always seem to take off at the moment of taking a picture.
Colourful Fly
Not sure what this fly is, I have yet to identify it. If anyone knows feel free to comment below. It was very small, the spot it is resting on is the edge of a holly leaf.
Crab Spider
These little guys are hard to spot. They camouflage in with the flowers they stalk in. Ambush predators, they get their name from their oversize front legs. I managed to get a few shots of this subject on a while daisy before he went back under the petal to wait for an unsuspecting insect.

Woodlouse Spider
I discovered this little guy under some pots in my garden. This photo is several years old and I cannot remember what equipment I used to take the photo, but I did manage this picture of it emerging from what seems to be some kind of cocoon. What was immediately apparent on this spider was its bright colours and large over sized fangs. Upon doing some research I believe this is a Woodlouse Spider. It lives a life hidden under shelter and uses it’s large fangs to feed on woodlouse. It is a harmless spider although it can bite if handled which is apparently less painful than a bee sting and its venom is not dangerous. I put the planter back for it and carefully guided it back into its home after I was done with the picture.
Red Back Jumping Spider Vs Caterpillar
This struggle was over by the time I happened on it. I had never seen a redback Jumping spider attack a caterpillar before. The caterpillar was substantially bigger than the spider, and must have been a bit of a struggle. I was careful not to interrupt the spider while feeding since it was on a ledge and I did not want it to lose it’s hard won meal.
Sometimes I am thankful these things are small